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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What RabbitScan provides

RabbitScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. It has been designed by landholders for communities, and it is very easy to use. 

What to record:

  • Rabbit activity (such as sightings and warrens).
  • Damage, such as soil erosion.
  • Control activities (such as warren ripping).
  • Disease in rabbit populations (such as RHDV).

Learn more


Benefits of using RabbitScan 

  1. Develop a property or local area map of rabbit activity to guide control efforts,
  2. Work together with your neighbours to undertake coordinated control,
  3. Notify your local community or landholder group about rabbit activity and disease presence,
  4. Send alerts to nominated people, such as neighbours or biosecurity authorities.   

ABC Landline - Wild Rabbits

"Australia has had a 160 year long battle to control he spread of hordes of hungry, rapidly multiplying rabbits to prevent the damage they cause to farms."

Have you found a dead rabbit?

If you find a dead rabbit you suspect has died from a virus, please record the details here (and request a sample kit). By submitting a rabbit tissue sample for testing, you are helping to map the spread of biocontrol agents in your local area. This information can be used to plan future coordinated control, and maximise on rabbit biocontrol programs. Follow the sampling procedure below, then freeze the tissue sample until your kit arrives.
Click HERE to record a disease affected rabbit, and to request a rabbit disease sampling kit.

Case studies - coming soon

Learn about how farmers, landholder groups, pest control professionals and biosecurity organisations are using and benefiting from FeralScan.

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Tell us how you use FeralScan so we can share your story with others- Contact us

Resources for rabbit management

A number of control techniques are available for rabbit management, and there are many practical resources to help you decide which techniques to use, including glove-box guides, videos and practical manuals. The suitability of control options will often depend on your circumstances, location and time of year. 


Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available

If you would like assistance with RabbitScan, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016